INTI Student Wins Gold at Technovate Challenge 1.0 with Innovative IC Design

May 2, 2024

Lee Khai Onn, a student from INTI International College Penang’s School of 华人策略网站_华人策略中心论坛-【体育娱乐】& and Technology (SOEAT), clinched the gold medal at the Technovate Challenge 1.0 for his remarkable contribution to innovatively designing a Successive Approximation Register Analog-to-Digital Converter (SAR ADC) tailored for SkyeChip’s integrated circuits (ICs). It was hosted by QAV Technologies Sdn. Bhd. on 29 Nov 2023, the event boasted a panel of judges representing diverse industries.

Lee Khai Onn from INTI International College Penang’s School of 华人策略网站_华人策略中心论坛-【体育娱乐】& and Technology (SOEAT) shines bright at the Technovate Challenge 1.0.

Khai Onn’s SAR ADC design, equipped with integrated DFT capabilities, is a game-changer in IC testing at SkyeChip. This innovation is a testament to our commitment to providing high-quality, dependable, and pioneering IC solutions for global markets.

SkyeChip, a leading IC design company dedicated to advancing ICs, proudly announced the successful deployment of an innovative SAR ADC engineered specifically for Design-for-Test (DFT) applications. This breakthrough promises to redefine IC testing and validation protocols.

Khai Onn’s award-winning project was a solution to the time-consuming process of visually inspecting simulated waveforms in conventional signal analysis and testing methods. His SAR ADC, integrated with DFT capabilities, aims to revolutionize signal analysis methodologies.

Expressing gratitude for the gold medal recognition, Khai Onn remarked, “It’s truly humbling to earn acknowledgement from industry experts. What sets my project apart is its emphasis on analogue IC design, a realm known for its complexity among students. I extend my heartfelt thanks to SkyeChip for allowing me to learn and contribute to this domain.”

The breakthrough in SAR ADCs for DFT applications in IC design is poised to introduce a more streamlined and efficient testing workflow, thereby enhancing the overall quality and reliability of SkyeChip’s IC solutions. This, in turn, is anticipated to trim down time-to-market durations and bolster customer satisfaction levels.

Khai Onn’s stellar performance and contribution exemplify the synergistic collaboration between educational institutions and industry stakeholders in propelling technological frontiers. “My educational journey at INTI International College Penang played a pivotal role in shaping my success,” he affirmed. “Collaborating with industry counterparts like SkyeChip empowers me to translate theoretical knowledge into tangible solutions for real-world challenges, thus driving the success of our endeavours.”

Looking ahead, Lee Khai Onn aspires to delve further into cutting-edge solutions for emerging challenges in IC design. He imparts wisdom to aspiring engineers and innovators, advising, “View challenges as avenues for growth, stay abreast of industry trends, and never underestimate the transformative potential of collaboration. Your dedication and zeal can truly shape the future of technology.”